Key Information


Swale Academies Trust ensures that the quality of provision for pupils with SEND is of the highest possible standard in Trust schools and that students enjoy opportunities to enable improved outcomes, well-being, independence and life chances.

The SEND Leadership Group has been established with their primary role being to lead on strategic developments across the Trust, to be accountable for ensuring schools’ compliance and for providing support to all schools through the completion of the following duties:

  • To review, write, approve and monitor the model Trust SEND Policy and SEND Information Report templates on an annual basis
  • To complete SEND reviews, progress visits, deep dives and aspect reviews across all Trust schools
  • To ensure statutory website and policy compliance for all schools in the Trust
  • To quality assure all school’s SEND SEFs and action plans.
  • To provide guidance to Local Governing Bodies on conducting monitoring visits and providing challenge to schools
  • To provide regular SEND updates to the Primary and Secondary Executive Boards.
  • To provide an executive summary to the Board of Directors twice a year.
  • To deliver bespoke training and support to identified schools.
  • To plan and deliver Trust SEND Network meetings to share good practice and ensure good knowledge / understanding of SEND.
  • To support schools in the effective induction of new SENDCos
  • To support school leaders with SENCo appraisal and development.
  • To facilitate effective school to school support
  • To support schools in delivery of an effective transition from KS2-3.
  • To produce cross-Trust guidance materials and provide relevant CPD.
  • To plan and deliver Trust-wide SEND CPD for different stakeholders (NQTs, governors, SENCos, SLTs)

Trust SEND Principles:

Trust SEND and Inclusion Principles (see below for download) 

Each Trust school has an individualised SEND Policy and SEND information Report based on the Trust model templates ratified by the Board of Directors.

SEND Policy - Template (see below for download)

SEND information report template (see below for download)